December 29, 2010

Do you like drawing/art?

If you love them, be sure to catch all my drawings here:

I may not be so smart at Photoshop and coloring technique, but I sure give my best ^^b

If you like my galleries and have a deviant account, don't forget to watch me lolz

December 9, 2010

Back to Black

never thought it would end up like this...
never thought it would turn out like this...

I kept my promise to reach the stars...
I kept me dignity now...

You kept your promise to reach the stars...
You broke the rules...

never thought I would feel this way...
never thought you would feel that way...

yes, women are all about dignity...

December 7, 2010

Am I needed?

Sometimes, I feel like I'm not needed... I've cried all my hearts, figuring what my purpose of living in this world is... Eventhough I know that I shouldn't doubt God's gift, it's just on my head... I have many friends, but I don't know if they really care for me and love me... I know what I'm doing right now is wrong, doubting my friends is just a big mistake... But, I need answers in my life... Could somebody help me figure it out? I'm having mental problems right now...